Making Peace (1 of 5 in Painting Peace series), 2007, acrylic on canvas, 4 ft x 9 ft

Making Peace (1 of 5 in Painting Peace series), 2007, acrylic on canvas, 4 x 9 feet


Justice is Not a Marketplace*


I have heard many speak of justice
as an elusive ideal or occasion to rally for
I say
justice can be activated with every breath and every step we take
in every moment of each day
of our long or short lives

To activate justice is a birthright
that needs to be re/membered in the minds, hearts, and actions
of all peoples 

Justice is not a demolished market
you choose from when planning an event 

Justice is not fleeting
we have fled from her
denied her
and our own accountability 


Painting Peace (2007-2012) is a multifaceted installation involving both visual art and writing. The visual art component consists of five large-scale abstract painted works. The second aspect of this project is a series of large text panels, including poetry and essays that accompany the artworks. Both aspects of this project focus on personal philosophies, contemplations and reflections on peace as well as possibilities of individual and collective work for just peace. Artworks and text panels explore nuanced considerations of what just peace can be and mean in our lives, communities, societies, and the ecologies that we are a part of. It is acknowledged with gratitude that this collection of works was funded in part by the Usamah Ansari Creative Justice Award, 2010.

*Justice is Not a Marketplace is an excerpt from the Painting Peace Project and also appears in Uninhabiting the Violence of Silencing: activations of creativity, ethics, and resistance by Fabiola Nabil Naguib


Archives Re/Imagined (series I)


New Moon Calligraphy